As every client can be radically different, we designed a five step program that ensures the User Adoption program responds to your strategy and needs.
We accompany you along the
User Adoption Journey
Technological changes can have a great impact on businesses, if the key link between technology and adoption is adequately involved: the user. Effective User Adoption aims at creating awareness for technology’s benefits and purpose and easing its usage.
We support you each step of the way
All information & training measures are fully aligned and provide a consistent user experience
1. Strategy
In phase one, we assess the status quo, including IT strategy, organizational structure and culture, tech set-up, pain points and former initiatives. Together, we create a vision for your collaboration project and determine goals, expectations, deployment strategy and usage scenarios. Moreover, we take weight off your shoulders by becoming internal ambassadors for your projects, getting all stakeholders – from management board to works council - on board.
2. Design
In phase two, we dive deeper into the needs, expectations and goals of various stakeholder groups. If necessary, we conduct in-depth interviews with selected users. We create personas and use cases to determine the best fit between job roles, work related tasks, schedules etc. Based on that, we deduct the selling points for various user groups. We create a key visual aligned with your brand that becomes the face of the adoption campaign to increase recognition.
3. Awareness
In order to inspire lasting change in your collaboration culture, it is crucial to tell a story that resonates with your users. Our in-house creative team accompanies your roll-out with witty, targeted messages and visuals, tailored to your company. That’s how we ensure to get people’s attention - and all important parties on board. We use a combination of global and targeted communication to ensure your users receive exactly the information that is relevant to them at the right moment.
4. Enablement
In order to ensure that the usage numbers reach a constant high, we provide user-centric, entertaining, always up-to-date learning materials on our FRINK Collaboration Academy as well as live (virtual) trainings, conducted by our in-house experts and customized to your configuration and needs. In addition, we provide support exactly where your users need it: within their new collaboration environment. That helps you to keep the number of tickets low and the level of excitement high.
5. Evaluation
In the final phase, we collect feedback and compile the usage data we collected during your project to present you the results of our effort as well as the satisfaction levels within your companies. We prepare you a neat little slide desk that you can proudly present to C-Level management. What you might notice: User Adoption projects change the relation between the workforce and IT – increasing recognition and positioning IT as the pillar of digital transformation within the company.
Additional Services
To complete your User Adoption experience, we would highly recommend our fully equipped e-learning platform that covers all your collaboration needs as well as live trainings for Cisco Collaboration technology.
FRINK Collaboration Academy
With IT roll-outs being as stressful as they are, it can be hard to keep your documentation up to date. That’s why we developed the FRINK Collaboration Academy that offers automatically updated learning material, content 100 % customized for your company and interactive ways to get acquainted with the technology with our gamification tools.
In an automated world like ours, it is important to see a friendly human face every now and then. We offer webinars and on-prem trainings for Webex, conducted by experienced members of our team. Be it short-term needs due to a shift to home office or a plan for long-term education: Our trainings complete the human factor in your roll-out - 100 % customized to your needs.

"If you are looking for new ways, unconventional approaches and fresh ideas in the implementation of UC projects, you will find what you are looking for at FRINK. Whirlwind Claudia and her motivated team bring a breeze of fresh air into dusty communication channels."
– Stefan Walch, CTO Pfeifer Group